Tag Archives: direct sales

MotiveEight is helping Direct Sales Organizations build community, gain momentum and get…MotiveEighted!

It happens everyday, actually thousands of times everyday.  Someone makes the decision to enter the world of Direct Sales.  They find a company and product that they’re excited to go out and sell to their friends, family and the world!  They get their new distributor kit in the mail, attend a few training events, and are then left to their own devices to either thrive, or do what most new distributors do, fizzle out.

Getting a new Distributor plugged into the company’s culture is one key driver to success.  This is why Direct Sales companies host annual sales conferences.  It brings Distributors together to share ideas, product knowledge and most importantly, share their excitement, enthusiasm and energy.  As you’d expect, Distributors and their respective companies see major spikes in sales after these events.

So our question at MotiveEight was, could we create community around a company’s Sales Force, keeping them plugged in all year long?  An experience where they could connect with company leaders across teams and geographies, access the best content and training on the fly, share content, coordinate events and access a library of the best motivational content to help them sustain the self-motivation needed to thrive in Direct Sales.  The answer was yes, and that’s exactly what we did.  Well, it wasn’t quite so cut and dry, but you get the idea.

And the party didn’t stop there.  We set out to solve one of the biggest roadblocks that Distributors face: what do they do when they run out of people to talk to about their product or opportunity?  Direct sellers talk to their family, friends, co-workers, but then what?  To help solve this problem, we added in powerful social marketing tools to help generate new leads and interest in their business.  Distributors can share content via email, blogs, facebook, twitter, and just about every social network you’ve ever heard of, generating new leads to grow their business.  From their dashboard they can track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and manage their new leads.  Ba-boom!

Add to all of this, the M8 platform can be integrated with just about any existing DirectSales software with minimal integration and has a price point that’s next to cheap, and we’ve got something that can help any Direct Sales Force become more successful!

To find out more about how your company can get MotiveEighted, drop us a line at sales@motiveeight.com

If you’re not using video to market your product, you’re losing…

85% of people are more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video

It’s a new age.  People would rather watch than read.  I know this might be hard to accept by the purists and librarians out there, but the numbers don’t lie.  In a recent blog, 38 reasons Video content is king, Rob Petersen presents his research, and it’s eye opening.  Try these on for starters:

  • 85% of people are more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video.
  • 200% – 300% increase in click through rates when marketers include video in an email.
  • The second largest search engine after Google is not Yahoo…not bing…but YouTube.

So why is video king?  Have people just become lazy?  Maybe not.  There is science behind why video is actually a better way to communicate your message.  According to 3M, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.  According to Dr. McQuivery of Forrester Research, 1.8 million words is the value of one minute of video.

OK – you’re sold.  It looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and you can hear the quacks from here to China.  So now what?

First make a video (we’re going slow here).  But then what?  How do you use your video  to reach beyond the visitors of your website and engage your potential prospects wherever they might be, lead them towards a buying decision, and even share your product with others?   These were all top of mind when we created MotiveEight.

In addition to giving our MotiveEighters a better way to work and communicate, we also give them a better way to market, follow up and close…especially with video.

Users can share videos in their emails, on their blogs, or on just about any social network you’ve ever heard of.  When the video is clicked on, it routes the prospect back to the user’s marketing page that they customize with their own theme, content, and yes, VIDEO.  The prospect can communicate with the sender, request additional information, lease, buy, or join on the spot.  Oh, it’s nice!

For our clients that already have video content, it’s turn the key and go. But we’ve found that many of our clients do not yet have good video content…so we’ve started making it for them!  We’ve created a way to make great video content for a lot less than the other guys are charging.  We can even roll the price of production into the cost of the software (which is already too inexpensive…so my Mom says).

So, if you’re not using video to market your properties, products or cause, don’t feel dumb (we won’t tell anyone).  Just keep it on the down low and call us stat.  We’ll help you get your Spielberg on in no time!